
Testing different displays

One of the things I like looking at is what the market has out there for displays.  Not everything needs to be gigantic.  Small displays have a place in the auto industry.

Below is the Lilygo ESP32-S3 2.1 inch Round Display Touch Screen.  I threw on a resized RPM gauge from the Community Edition which is why it doesnt look sharp.  Then I had my wife make a png file of a transparent dial.  I wrote some code to make all this happen but havent written the code to “turn the dial” yet.  The gradient in the gauge is in the original image and hasnt been removed.

The second is another Lilygo display, a T4 v1.3 2.4″ LCD.  I had some fun with this one.  Created a starfield that is flying by with NexGenEFI bouncing around.  That was cool.
Both of these have a decent amount of horsepower and capabilities.  I’m not sure I’d use this in my lineup just yet as what I have will most likely require a custom PCB.  BUT I *CAN* do something with this.


ESP32-S3 2.1 inch Round Display Touch Screen
T4 V1.3 ILI9341 2.4 inch LCD Display

Community Edition

Its basically done.  I started working on this site so I can have a site specifically for this effort.  I have the installation instructions and need to paste that.  I will *try* to get that done tomorrow but have other things I need to do.   Looking forward to you guys using it and testing it.  Send me pics of it in your vehicles so I can put it on social media!


Welcome to the NexGenEFI site!

We’re under construction so a few things may not work as expected on this website. 🙂

The Shop is there but disabled.  It will open up when the Pro Edition is available for purchase.

There is alot of development going on for the Pro Edition.  While the codebase is the same, the implementation is different.  Also the firmware for the Pro Edition will not function on the Community Edition (aka. a new ESP32).  It is designed to run on the custom PCB and secured using a crypto chip to reduce piracy.   Same goes for the Layouts.  Pro Edition layouts are designed to specifically work with the Pro Edition code.  So while there are similarities, internally they are much different and layout-wise also different.

In addition to the above there are other types of displays that are in-design.  We’re not stopping with just the standard display you see.  Keep checking back or follow the Facebook/Insta page for product updates!

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