
NexGenEFI News

Since the previous update there has been alot of progress on various software and hardware.


NexNode is the input board which provides 8 User Defined/selectable inputs.  They can be voltage or resistance based.  Also provides VR Speed, 2 EGT, Tach inputs along with CANBus inputs and CANBus termination for future use.  This data can be selected and displayed on the Pro Edition digital dash.

One bonus is if you’re NOT fuel injected but want to run a Pro Edition digital dash, with the NexNODE it gives you the ability to do so.

While you can use any sensor (assuming you know the voltage/ohms range), sensors used in testing are from Lowdoller Motorsports.  LowDoller Motorsports provides a technical datasheet with their sensors which have voltage/ohms range.

NexNODE is going to be tested in the next 1-2 weeks on a carbureted LS with various sensors.  Once tested it will be available for purchase.


NexGPS Software

Currently the Pro Edition digital dash utilizes a Bluetooth GPS receiver which can be purchased from various sources.  This Bluetooth GPS Receiver provides the current speed of your vehicle to the Digital Dash.  This option, depending on which product you purchase from other vendors can range from $80 – $150. 

Currently in development is an Android application (with iOS next) that will be a free download for NexGenEFI Users.  The NexGPS software will provide vehicle speed and odometer to the Pro Edition Digital Dash.  Vehicle speed can be in MPH or KMH, user selectable.  While the refresh rate of a cellphone GPS might not be 10hz, for a free solution it is a viable option for the price of free. 🙂

NexGPS Software version

NexGPS Hardware

If the free NexGPS software does not refresh as fast as you’d like because of your cellphone limitations, then this is another option you will be able to purchase.

In development is a custom GPS PCB to provide Speed and odometer data at 10hz refresh to the Pro Edition Digital Dash.  It will be competitively priced compared to other 3rd party offerings currently available.  The PCB is currently being printed and should be here in a few days.  Code is trivial, just needs testing against

NexGPS Hardware

Haltech CANBus harness

Available is the Plug-N-Play Haltech CANBus harness for the Rebel LS ECU and any Haltech ECU which uses the same CONNECTOR AND PINOUT as the Rebel LS ECU.  This provides a power, ground, CANL and CANH to the NexLINK and Pro Edition Digital Dash.

NEW EFI System Support

Haltech EFI is fully supported.  From their current line to the new Rebel LS!

Holley SNIPER EFI is in testing and going really well.  Looking to have this available in the next two weeks.

LINK ECU is in testing.  Some bugs to fix and then will go back into testing.  Shooting for availability in the next 2-4 weeks.

Updates to the Pro Edition Digital Dash

Two new “Race” layouts for the Pro Edition.  The Race layout enables the user to have 9 additional user selectable datapoints to display.  Precision and Utilitarian has been added to the mix.

In addition, the data processing algorithm has been enhanced and increases the data refresh speed.   Other changes are going to be listed in the Release Notes.

Precision Layout
Utilitarian Layout

NEW Product in design

There is a 12.3″ display in the works.  Software is still being written, hardware not finalized yet.  Demo below.


NexGenEFI News

Over the past few weeks, basically since the previous post there’s been a flurry of ideas, PCB design, code writin’ and other fun things.

I wanted to give Holley Users a heads up.  Instead of wiring up a CANBus & Power harness, we’ve taken the guess work out of it when it comes to hooking up your ECU to the NexLINK ECU Interface.  It connects directly to your Holley ECU and will provide Power, Ground, CAN Low and CAN High to the NexLINK and also has a extra CAN connection for other devices (laptop, Holley 3.5″ display etc).  Feel free to add it to the cart when purchasing a display.


Holley CANBus Harness


Pro Edition Race Column Mounts-
This custom piece from HG Manufacturing is crafted from 6061-T6 aluminum, featuring a black anodized finish for added durability. It is designed for individuals seeking not only a visually appealing digital dash but also a lightweight and strong option that aligns with their 5″ and 7″ Pro Edition mounts.  


NEW Products coming!


The NexCAST enables you to hook up multiple displays to the NexLINK.  That is just ONE of the features.  The idea here revolves around customizing a digital dashboard display to achieve a desired classic aesthetic, which may not be adequately accommodated by standard display sizes such as 5″, 7″, or 10″. By utilizing a combination of a 7″ display alongside a 5″ display, or another configuration, you can more effectively bring your digital dash concept to life. This flexibility allows for the creation of a tailored look that matches your vision.  The concept behind it is on the NexGenEFI Facebook page with a demo.  Software being written currently to utilize this functionality.



8 inputs resistance OR voltage individually configurable
2 EGT inputs
1 VR Speed input
1 Tachometer input

This option caters to two types of users: those with extra sensors they wish to display on the Pro Edition Digital Dash, and those using non-fuel-injected systems who want to utilize the Pro Edition Digital Dash.  NexNODE software will be in development in the next 2 weeks 🙂


NexGenEFI is expanding its offerings for Pro Edition users by introducing the NexLINK II, which includes all the features of the original NexLINK plus the addition of virtual switches. While the NexLINK II does increase the cost of the digital dash, it is equipped with a 600MHz processor alongside an ESP32. This setup not only enhances processing power but also supports Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), Bluetooth (BT), GPS, OBD2, and additional functionalities planned for the future.  Picture below is of the PCB showing additional features.   PCB will be at NexGenEFI HQ in the next two weeks.


HONDATA and Pro Edition 10″ Available

ECU Support:

HONDATA support is good to go.  It is available as an option for the Pro Edition series.


Pro Edition Series:

The Pro Edition 10″ is available for purchase.  Currently the pictures on the Shop page are without a case.  That would be the preferred setup since a bezel can be created by Cory @ The Pro Edition 10″ will also be available in a case.  I should have that picture up shortly.

Hondata, 10″ Pro Edition Digital Dash

Hondata code has been written and is out for testing.  You will need to set your CANBus speed to 500k when this is available for purchase.


10″ Pro Edition Digital Dash is just about done.  Wrapping up the layouts on the display and it will be ready to go.  I’m guessing mid-March latest.

Pro Edition, Haltech Elite 2500 ECU

Wanted to play with the Haltech Elite 2500 ECU again.  This time with more data.  Went to Chadata Tuning in San Antonio and was able to play with a bad ass VW Bug with a ez 30 (Subaru 3.0) swap running Haltech’s Elite 2500 Series ECU.  Very cool.  On the Pro Edition 7″ Digital Dash in the video its running the Carmoto layout.

So data wise I’m only converting to Freedom units on stuff like Coolant Temp and such.  The rest I’m displaying as pulled from the ECU.  Ie: the Elite 2500 series sends pressure data as kPa.  In an upcoming release there will be an option to select Freedom Units (PSI, *F etc) vs Metric (*C, kPa and so on).  Data like Lambda will remain as Lambda.

Aluminum Column Mounts in design!

At NexGenEFI, we prioritize collaborating with small businesses to harness their unique skills.
This adjustable aluminum mount for the 5″ and 7″ NexGenEFI Digital Dash is designed by Hector, the owner of HG Manufacturing. Please contact HG Manufacturing for custom part design solutions. They offer in-house design services.
These aluminum mounts fit 1.25″ steering columns and will be available soon!

Always writin’ code!

10 PRINT “Life is Code”
20 PRINT “Code is Life”
30 GOTO 10

Layout progress

Two new layouts have been added and two removed.  One is the “Race layout” and the second is called “Majestic”.  Please go to the Gallery to look at the photos to see all the current layouts included in a digital dash.  In progress is the Motorcycle layout. 
 *Race layout – this layout allows the end user to select 9 different data points to display on the race layout.

Locating dot has been added to each layout.  It is a GREEN DOT which notifies the user where the touch sensitive area is which enables said user to access the Configuration Screen.


Over the next few days, the website will be updated to reflect the functionality added to the NexGenEFI Digital Dash.

New Products

NexGenEFI goes beyond just offering a digital dash. Our aim is to deliver technology and data to your NexGenEFI digital dash swiftly, accurately, and with visual appeal.

Introducing NexNODE, the first expansion in the NexGenEFI Ecosystem. This device brings 8 additional inputs and 2 EGT sensor inputs to your digital dash. It communicates data efficiently via CANBus to the NexLink Pro ECU Interface, ensuring prompt and clear data display.

Currently the PCB is in testing.

Custom bezels, mounts and MORE thru

NexGenEFI has paired with one of the most talented 3D designers / printers to bring you not just mounts but a variety of mounting solutions.

You can also purchase a NexGenEFI Digital Dash thru if you’d like to get your custom designed bezel, mounts etc all at once.

Have a look at to look at the different options and also see the kind of quality products designed and printed by CarChains3D.

EFI Source Gold Box EFI news

If you’re looking to pair the NexGenEFI Digital Dash with a Megasquirt3 based EFI setup, head over to EFI Source!

This is the same EFI setup I run in my turbo LS Camaro.  If you  need additional inputs to that EFI setup, speak with Mike and he can hook you up with what you need.  Not just the EFI setup but injectors, harness, additional input box etc.  While you’re there you can add the digital dash to it.

ECU Support update

ECU Testing progress

Had some fun today.  Headed down to see Chad Berryhill over at Chadata Tuning who has been extremely helpful with his wide array of knowledge for many aftermarket ECUs.

Today I tested (for the last time) Holley code.  I had made updates to pull as much info from the CAN stream and wanted to ensure 100% compatibility.   Took out my beater display which has seen its fair share of bumps.  Its based on the old case design which I personally like.  It is available so I’ll add it to the website just in case someone else wants that same design.

Anyway, today’s test was with the Holley Term X TBI rig on a SBC, naturally aspirated.

Here ya go!

Haltech ECU test

The next test was with the Haltech Elite 2500 series.  I have all of the code written but need to make minor changes.  So this video was to test connectivity, data transfer speed and just read RPM. 

Worked perfect.  I’ll update the rest of the code and ensure data points are available in the Configuration Screen.

Here ya go!

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