Author: NexGenEFI Admin

Pro Edition – for Beta Testers

This is a sneak peek for the Pro Edition which will be mailed to Beta Testers.  The orange case is just internal use for myself.  They’ll be getting black cases.  So far I have the following EFI systems covered for testing:

  • FuelTech
  • MegaSquirt3
  • Speeduino CAN/Serial
  • OBD2

I believe I have a tester for MaxxECU and ECUMASTER but need to confirm.


LED Board

Its here!  The cool thing is, I’ll work with the End User on what they want it to do.  IE: Specific LEDs for Shift (like middle 4 or something) then the outer ones for other things they want configured.

This board goes on the inside of the case and is visible through the upper slot.



About two weeks have passed since the previous update.  There has been ALOT of progress.

  • Overall approach on how to optimize data processing while using both cores of the CPU has been implemented
  • BLE TPMS sensors are supported, code has been tested
  • Internal code to speed up gauge refresh has been completed
  • New PCB has arrived, has been tested
  • Warning lights for code has been implemented and tested
  • Configuration screen has been updated but needs more settings added
  • Layouts have been updated for additional features

PRO EDITION – Beta Testers –

I have (4) four Beta Testers which will test the Pro Edition. Two 7″ and two 10″ models will be going out.  These beta versions will have a limited amount of layouts since they are still being designed.  Their goal is to test usability, performance, overall physical appearance, documentation, ease of use and so on.

The following ECUs will be tested by the Beta Testers:

  • FuelTech
  • MegaSquirt
  • Speeduino CAN/Serial
  • OBD2

I believe I have another tester for MaxxECU and ECUMASTER.

Upcoming Development

  • LED Board should be here in the next 2-3 days.  This is the configurable shift light
  • Build Pro Edition beta units to mail out to Beta Testers
  • Update 10″ display layouts to match the 7″
  • Test inputs for blinkers, fuel sending unit, high beams

NexGenEFI PiDash

Due to constant nagging (just kidding), popular request I guess I’ll update the PiDash.  I’m going to try to move everything from the old site (the wiki page) to this site.

This is the free image I’ve been making available which runs on the Raspberry Pi 4 but since I hadnt updated it in quite a long time, some Raspberry Pi 4 boards had issues booting it.

Current status:

  • Linux image has been updated
  • Boots up, runs TunerStudio and my NexGenEFI PiDash configurator app works
  • VNC has been added and will enable you to remotely connect to it to tune instead of using a small display.  You will still be able to use the display directly with a keyboard and mouse if you want.

What needs to be done:

  • All of the customization to the Linux image, so thats on the to-do list. 

I’ll work on this as time allows.  The Pro Edition dash has priority.



How I track the work for the Pro Edition.

Alot has been going on behind the scenes.  I have 3 layouts created with another 3-4 on the way.  I need to make sure I can fit all of those on the Nextion itself.

The layouts are almost fully functional with small things like blinkers, warning lights and so on which need code written to support them.

TPMS BLE sensor code took me a few hours to write.  I can support two or four sensors which will be available as an add-on.

Still alot more code needs to be written and I’m testing as I go along.


New PCB has been created.  As I go thru writing code there are things that either myself or my PCB designer add / remove / improve.

Added was an accelerometer that way I can write code so you can test your 1/4 mile ET on street.

We’re going to add a SMT GPS but not this initial version.  For now I’m going to use the GPS that I’ve been writing code for.

The LED Shift light board is also being printed.  You’ll be able to configure the colors, sweep (L-R, In-Out etc).

These PCB runs are going to go out to beta testers.

So far a ton of good progress and minor road bumps but going really well!


Looks like a bug was found in the CANBus side.  I fixed it and released an update to the code.  Also added an additional check if the ESP32 and the Nextion cannot communicate, the BLUE LED will blink on the ESP32.  Its avail on the Community Edition link.

PCB testing has begun!

Internal testing has begun on the custom PCB!  All development will now shift to this board.  Super happy with this milestone!

Progress Update

Community Edition: Pretty soon I’m going to have a very small update.  What that will do is check to see if the ESP32 can communicate with the Nextion 7″ display.  If it cannot, the BLUE LED will flash on the ESP32 until connectivity is established.

Pro Edition:
All of my development is happening on an esp32 on a breakout board. I should have some connectors here today and will move my dev code to the custom PCB. Once I get a few layouts done I’m going to be looking to send a few units out to Beta Testers. Beta Testers can get it with a case or without, up to you. But remember, how you mount it without a case is up to you. Please ensure you do not short circuit anything etc.

Pro Edition layouts: Here’s 3 that are in progress.  The first is the “Futuristic” layout which is currently being configured.  The next two are more retro layouts but I have not chosen which will be in the Pro Edition yet.

Progress update

Layout design is in progress for the Pro Edition. I’m looking to have some sort of demo of this layout. I have a new graphics guy in training so I’m getting him up to speed.

7″ and 10″ Display pictured with a in-progress layout design.  The layout in the image is the actual screenshot from the layout editor.  Layout may change slightly.

NexGenEFI Pro Edition PCBs are here!

The first run was made.  Had five (5) PCBs printed.  Now I need to upload my code and assemble one for testing. 

The first four (4) will be headed to beta testers.  I’ll install one in my turbo Camaro and test it in Production! LOL.

Even though they say 7″ Display board, its actually for both the 7″ and 10″ displays.

There is more fun stuff coming in.  Will post updates on how to apply to be a part of the Beta Testing Team in addition to more features which work with the Pro Edition!

Pro Edition Layout progress

Here’s a layout thats being designed.  Looks OK.  Still a work in progress and has more that needs to be done.

In general, there is alot left to do on the display side of the house since it will be different than the Community Edition.

Pro Edition PCB Status

The PCB for the Pro Edition has been sent off.  I have 5 being built.  I’m keeping one of the 5 for testing with 4 complete Pro Edition setups being sent out to testers.

There will be a process to APPLY to be a Tester.  Its a commitment and involves you being able to provide timely feedback.  Various qualifications will help as in social media reach, what you’ve tested before (other products), your skillset, your EFI setup.  More on that very soon.

As you see below, we’re pretty close.  The board is about 56% complete, then off to solder components.

Community Edition News

Bug Fix:
Leftover code caused an issue.  Reported by a user.  Version 1.01 is ready for Download on the Community Edition page.

Created a video so you can at least double check to make sure the ESP32 and Nextion display are communicating.  Located on the Community Edition page.

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