
Pro Edition – for Beta Testers

This is a sneak peek for the Pro Edition which will be mailed to Beta Testers.  The orange case is just internal use for myself.  They’ll be getting black cases.  So far I have the following EFI systems covered for testing:

  • FuelTech
  • MegaSquirt3
  • Speeduino CAN/Serial
  • OBD2

I believe I have a tester for MaxxECU and ECUMASTER but need to confirm.


LED Board

Its here!  The cool thing is, I’ll work with the End User on what they want it to do.  IE: Specific LEDs for Shift (like middle 4 or something) then the outer ones for other things they want configured.

This board goes on the inside of the case and is visible through the upper slot.

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