- By NexGenEFI Admin
- August 19, 2023
- Community Edition development Pro Edition status
- Comments Off on Progress

How I track the work for the Pro Edition.
Alot has been going on behind the scenes. I have 3 layouts created with another 3-4 on the way. I need to make sure I can fit all of those on the Nextion itself.
The layouts are almost fully functional with small things like blinkers, warning lights and so on which need code written to support them.
TPMS BLE sensor code took me a few hours to write. I can support two or four sensors which will be available as an add-on.
Still alot more code needs to be written and I’m testing as I go along.

New PCB has been created. As I go thru writing code there are things that either myself or my PCB designer add / remove / improve.
Added was an accelerometer that way I can write code so you can test your 1/4 mile ET on street.
We’re going to add a SMT GPS but not this initial version. For now I’m going to use the GPS that I’ve been writing code for.
The LED Shift light board is also being printed. You’ll be able to configure the colors, sweep (L-R, In-Out etc).
These PCB runs are going to go out to beta testers.
So far a ton of good progress and minor road bumps but going really well!
Looks like a bug was found in the CANBus side. I fixed it and released an update to the code. Also added an additional check if the ESP32 and the Nextion cannot communicate, the BLUE LED will blink on the ESP32. Its avail on the Community Edition link.